Better with cheese… not vitamins

I solved the snack problem with a meal of soft cheese. I’d skipped breakfast, so that only put me at 3 meals. It helped very much!

However, I tried my new vitamins and they… Did not help at all. In fact, they came up in the scariest way! My face got beet-red and hot. I couldn’t take a deep breath. I felt sick and dizzy. I nearly passed out. Then I puked a dozen times. So… don’t think I’ll take those again!

Having a hard day

I really want a snack. A couple chicken nuggets. A handful of popcorn. A piece of jerky. A spoon of peanut butter. Today is really, really hard.
Usually the beginning of school involves snacking and eating out. this year, just wishing.

What to do??

I was told to crush ALL pills (even my 2mg pain pills) by my surgeon. When I saw how many people here were swallowing pills even in the hospital, I called and asked when I’d be able to start swallowing pills again. 

His response was “you can no longer do that.” So… Never?!

I’m taking Celexa which is amazingly horrible to crush and take. I’ve put it in everything, but the taste is overwhelming. I’m at the point where I don’t think I can continue to crush it. If I knew I’d only have to do it x more times, I might be able to power through, but I almost feel like it’s a choice of wean myself off and hope for the best or swallow it whole against my surgeon’s advice. 

So, would you swallow it? Is there some reason why my surgeon tells people never to swallow pills again but others can? Could he have done something different pouch-wise that would make a difference, or is he just overly cautious? What would you do in this situation?

Hard night

I’m dying for junk food tonight! Sad times.


Tonight for dinner, I had chicken with BBQ seasoning* and mushrooms. Yummy, yummy! I’m so glad I can have variety!

*There was a little brown sugar in it, but I don’t think it was enough to do any harm. I mean, how much brown sugar could be in a seasoning that you use sparingly on 1 ounce of food.

Out to eat for the first time

I’m out at Cracker Barrel with my family. I’m having part of a hard boiled egg and maybe some chicken and fish. You know, a tiny bite from everyone’s plate! I’m excited for the variety! I just hope none of it makes me sick.

Week 2

Week 2



On a board I frequent, this is a popular acronym. It means “non-scale victory.” In other words, something great about weight loss other than your actual weight. 

So here’s my first one. My birthstone ring (that I bought in honor of Teaspoon) is too loose. It’s sliding all around on my finger and won’t stay up. 

I’m actually not thrilled, because I love the ring, but I’m excited because it means I must be losing weight!


I only ate 2 meals today. Oops!

I did get protein for brunch and dinner, 1 1/2 shakes, and all my vitamins (except 2 calcium I need to eat before bed). And I walked 3/4 of a mile, which is better than nothing. 

Now, though, I have to sit here and do some school work. Blah.

Guess who lost another 2 pounds!

I’m at 250 now. Exactly 100 lbs away from my goal! Woot!

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